JPoint talks

Sasha Goldshtein Sela Group
Sasha Goldshtein
Sela Group
Day 1 / 13:45  / Track 4 / EN / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

Fast and Safe Production Monitoring of JVM Applications with BPF Magic

Learn how to profile, monitor, and diagnose issues in JVM applications on Linux using fast, low-overhead, safe tools powered by the BPF kernel technology.

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Arun Gupta Couchbase
Arun Gupta
Day 2 / 10:45  / Track 2 / EN / Введение в технологию

Package your Java Application using Docker and Kubernetes

Docker and Kubernetes.

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Yegor Bugayenko
Yegor Bugayenko
Day 2 / 15:45  / Track 2 / RU / Готовьтесь, будет подгорать

Java Annotations Are a Big Mistake

Annotations are a very popular instrument in Java, but do they really improve our object-oriented code? Egor seriously doubts it.

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Nikita Lipsky Excelsior LLC
Nikita Lipsky
Excelsior LLC
Day 2 / 10:45  / Track 3 / RU / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

Java byte-code verification: when, how, or maybe to turn it off?

What mission the Java byte-code verifier carries out in the JVM, when and how it works, whether it may affect the performance of your application, and why turning it off is so dangerous.

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Anton Keks Codeborne
Anton Keks
Baruch Sadogursky JFrog
Baruch Sadogursky
Day 2 / 18:45  / Track 2 / RU / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

Kotlin Puzzlers

Kotlin Puzzlers.

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Sergey Kuksenko Oracle
Sergey Kuksenko
Day 2 / 17:15  / Track 1 / RU / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

Performance engineering story: How Oracle optimized HTTP/2 client

How to take a real code and make it faster.

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Vladimir Ivanov Oracle
Vladimir Ivanov
Day 2 / 15:45  / Track 4 / RU / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

Code vectorization in JVM

The talk covers existing mechanisms for vector programming available in Java platform and future enhancements which are developed in Project Panama & other OpenJDK projects.

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Tagir Valeev JetBrains
Tagir Valeev
Day 2 / 17:15  / Track 2 / RU / Введение в технологию

Java inspections in IntelliJ IDEA: What can go wrong?

How new code inspections are developed in IntelliJ IDEA, what can go wrong, why does it work this way and where Java may spoil things?

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Mikalai Alimenkou XP Injection
Mikalai Alimenkou
XP Injection
Day 2 / 14:00  / Track 1 / RU / Для практикующих инженеров

Hibernate performance tuning

Many Java developers use ORM but most of them don’t know about existing options to improve performance. In this talk we will review these options on practical examples.

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Viktor Gamov Hazelcast
Viktor Gamov
Day 1 / 13:45  / Track 1 / RU / Введение в технологию

Divide, Distribute and Conquer: Stream v. Batch

Solving streaming problems using open source in-memory technologies of Hazelcast Jet.

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Andrey Breslav JetBrains
Andrey Breslav
Day 2 / 10:45  / Track 4 / RU / Введение в технологию

Future of Kotlin: Strategy and tactics

Close and distant perspectives for Kotlin, and how the project is being designed and developed.

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Charles Nutter Red Hat
Charles Nutter
Red Hat
Day 2 / 18:45  / Track 1 / EN / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

Going Native: Foreign Functions on the JVM

There's a wide world of native libraries that most Java developers never get to use. That's changing with projects like the Java Native Runtime and Project Panama. This talk will show a few interesting use cases for "going native" and compare the capabilities of the available native integration tools.

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Vladimir Dolzhenko IHS Markit
Vladimir Dolzhenko
IHS Markit
Day 2 / 14:00  / Track 3 / RU / Для практикующих инженеров

Through the keyhole of hashCode into VM

How to stop believing the legends and get to know JVM architecture decisions by exploring the hashCode method of the platform base class.

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Volker Simonis SAP
Volker Simonis
Day 2 / 17:15  / Track 4 / EN / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

Analyzing HotSpot Crashes

If you ever encountered a VM crash and wanted to know why it happened, this session is for you! We'll present useful tools, analyze different kinds of crashes and have fun peeking at some HotSpot internals.

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Tagir Valeev JetBrains
Tagir Valeev
Baruch Sadogursky JFrog
Baruch Sadogursky
Day 1 / 12:00  / Track 1 / RU / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

Java Puzzlers NG S02: Down the Rabbit Hole

Return of java puzzlers: a new batch of head-scratching experiences.

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Baruch Sadogursky JFrog
Baruch Sadogursky
Day 1 / 15:30  / Track 2 / RU / Введение в технологию

“Computer, how my cluster is doing?” and other magic spells

How to build an Amazon Alexa skill that adds a voice interface to IntelliJ IDEA and Jenkins.

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Nikita Koval Devexperts
Nikita Koval
Day 1 / 13:45  / Track 2 / RU / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

How to find deadlock, not hitting it

Developing a tool for detecting potential deadlocks. The talk will cover algorithms, class transformation, performance of the implementation and so on.

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Aleksey Shipilev Red Hat
Aleksey Shipilev
Red Hat
Day 1 / 10:30  / Track 2 / RU / Для практикующих инженеров

Performance: What's In It For You?

We will talk about optimization in large projects: common principles and tendencies; project lifecycle and optimizations economy; benchmark lifecycles; typical pitfalls and contradictions that performance engineers face.

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Alexey Zinoviev EPAM
Alexey Zinoviev
Day 2 / 15:45  / Track 3 / RU / Для практикующих инженеров

Handling with Spark what Kafka is streaming

Using Spark 2.1 for resilient real-time processing of data coming out of Kafka yearning to be aggregated. During the talk we will fix bugs, edit configs, calculate resource usage and weep.

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Philipp Krenn Elastic
Philipp Krenn
Day 2 / 14:00  / Track 4 / EN / Для практикующих инженеров

Full-Text Search Explained

Today’s applications are expected to provide powerful full-text search. But how does that work in general and how do I implement it on my site or in my application?

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Milen Dyankov Liferay
Milen Dyankov
Day 1 / 17:00  / Track 2 / EN / Введение в технологию

Microservices and Modularity or the difference between treatment and cure!

The differences between microservices and modularity are as subtile as those between DI and IoC. This live demo will help you understand them and show you how to design better applications.

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Aleksey Shipilev Red Hat
Aleksey Shipilev
Red Hat
Day 2 / 12:15  / Track 1 / RU / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

Shenandoah: The Garbage Collector That Could

Shenandoah GC, new low-pause garbage collector: exploring design, implementation, performance.

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Ivan Ponomarev KURS / MIPT
Ivan Ponomarev
Day 2 / 12:15  / Track 2 / RU / Для практикующих инженеров

Hidden complexity of a routine task: presenting table data in user interface

Solving a problem of representing big volume of table data in UI using interpolation search.

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Kirill Tolkachev Alpha-Laboratory
Kirill Tolkachev
Evgeny Borisov Naya Technologies
Evgeny Borisov
Naya Technologies
Day 2 / 10:45  / Track 1 / RU / Для практикующих инженеров

The Curse of Spring Test

What magic happens under the hood of Spring Boot Test, and what pitfalls await us?

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Evgeny Borisov Naya Technologies
Evgeny Borisov
Naya Technologies
Day 1 / 17:00  / Track 1 / RU / Для практикующих инженеров

Spring — Deep and not-so-deep dive

Problems, nuances and tasks that require thinking out of the box.

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Alexey Savvateev University of Dmitry Pozharsky
Alexey Savvateev
University of Dmitry Pozharsky
Day 1 / 18:30  / Track 1 / RU / Готовьтесь, будет подгорать

The collective responsibility problem

Math and game theory foundations that paved way for intricate algorithms.

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Andrei Pangin Odnoklassniki
Andrei Pangin
Vadim Tsesko Odnoklassniki
Vadim Tsesko
Day 1 / 15:30  / Track 1 / RU / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

The art of JVM profiling

Using JVM and OS mechanisms for profiling Java applications down to the kernel level.

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Andrey Ershov Dino Systems
Andrey Ershov
Dino Systems
Day 2 / 14:00  / Track 2 / RU / Введение в технологию

CRDT. Resolve conflicts better than Cassandra

Partition tolerance, high availability, coordination avoidance, optimistic UI, offline work lead to conflicts. When timestamp based conflict resolvers do not work, CRDT is a cure.

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Victor Polischuk Infopulse Ukraine
Victor Polischuk
Infopulse Ukraine
Day 2 / 17:15  / Track 3 / RU / Для практикующих инженеров

DataWars. The Bloody Enterprise strikes back

How to misuse basic Java types to maximize data loss.

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Yaroslav Kiselev CROC
Yaroslav Kiselev
Day 1 / 17:00  / Track 4 / RU / Введение в технологию

Application Performance Monitoring: comparison, issues and solutions

What is better for understanding why your app is so slow: standard tools or a special commercial product?

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Viet Nguyen Alpha Laboratory
Viet Nguyen
Alpha Laboratory
Day 1 / 12:00  / Track 4 / RU / Для практикующих инженеров

Where is my service, dude?

Service discovery & server-side load balancing with microservices.

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Alexey Kudravtsev JetBrains
Alexey Kudravtsev
Day 2 / 12:15  / Track 4 / RU / Введение в технологию

Struggle for performance in Intellij IDEA

Techniques found useful during the Intellij IDEA performance tuning as well as the wins, failures and (especially) epic failures we suffered along the road.

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Oleg Chirukhin Sberbank-Technology
Oleg Chirukhin
Day 1 / 13:45  / Track 3 / RU / Для практикующих инженеров

Devops: now Java is not slow

Introducing DevOps to infrastructure projects: how to support tecnhology stack made by yourself, psychological nuances, differences from the main development.

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Vladimir Ozerov GridGain Systems
Vladimir Ozerov
GridGain Systems
Day 1 / 15:30  / Track 3 / RU / Для практикующих инженеров

Scalability in distributed in-memory systems

This talk will show how in-memory systems provide horizontal scalability and what pitfalls developers can encounter while developing applications based on such systems.

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Aleksey Kuragin Sberbank-Technology
Aleksey Kuragin
Day 1 / 12:00  / Track 3 / RU / Введение в технологию

Architectural crossroads

Architectural challenges, key decisions and our experience designing a corporate system based on in-memory storage.

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Iliya Volkov Sberbank-Technology
Iliya Volkov
Day 1 / 17:00  / Track 3 / RU / Введение в технологию

Programming language implementation for a tariff system

Problems and solutions in external DSL implementation based on xText.

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Victor Rentea IBM
Victor Rentea
Day 1 / 15:30  / Track 4 / EN / Для практикующих инженеров

Brainstorming a Clean, Pragmatic Architecture

How to introspect the design, practice design brainstorm, understand the reasons underlying your enterprise architecture, and learn to apply them for new problems you face.

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Charles Nutter Red Hat
Charles Nutter
Red Hat
Day 1 / 12:00  / Track 2 / EN / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

More Than You Want to Know about Java's String

We take strings for granted, but Java's implementation is not without its problems. Let's really explore it.

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Michael Peresypkin Sberbank-Technology
Michael Peresypkin
Day 2 / 12:15  / Track 3 / RU / Для практикующих инженеров

Development of modern distributed systems: problems and solutions

Different aspects of distributed system creation on example of Single Frontal System: from a safe architecture to system replacement without downtime.

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Arun Gupta Couchbase
Arun Gupta
Day 2 / 15:45  / Track 1 / EN / Введение в технологию

Deploy your microservice using Amazon Web Services S3, API Gateway, Lambda and Couchbase

A path from your favorite IDE to a fully deployed and functional microservice will be shown with live coding.

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