Performance: What's In It For You?

День 1 /  / Зал 2  /  RU / For practicing engineers

Performance optimization was always a hot topic in the industry. In collective unconsciousness, optimization questions is something that makes programming fun, conferences sold out, your personal CV look golden. In this overview talk, we will talk about optimization in large/infrastructure projects (for example, OpenJDK): common principles, tendencies and equivalences; project lifecycle and optimizations economy; roles and lifecycles of performance benchmarks; typical pitfalls, disagreements, and contradictions that optimization tasks in large projects face.

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Aleksey Shipilev
Red Hat

Aleksey is working on Java performance for 10+ years. Today he is employed by Red Hat, where he does OpenJDK development and performance work. Aleksey develops and maintains a number of OpenJDK subprojects, including JMH, JOL, and JCStress. He is also an active participant in expert groups and communities dealing with performance and concurrency. Prior joining Red Hat, Aleksey was working on Apache Harmony at Intel, then moved to Sun Microsystems, which was later consumed by Oracle.
