Java Puzzlers NG S02: Down the Rabbit Hole

День 1 /  / Зал 1  /  RU / Hardcore. Really hard and demanding talk, you'll understand only if you're an experienced engineer.

Moar puzzlers! The more we work with Java 8, the more we go into the rabbit hole. Did they add all those streams, lambdas, monads, Optionals and CompletableFutures only to confuse us? It surely looks so! And Java 9 that heads our way brings even more of what we like the most, more puzzlers, of course! In this season we as usual have a great batch of the best Java WTF, great jokes to present them and great prizes for the winners!

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Tagir Valeev

Tagir Valeev is a software developer in JetBrains s.r.o. Currently he improves support of Java features in IntelliJ IDEA developing new inspections and intention actions. Tagir is actively interested in static code analysis and when time permits, develops an open-source library called StreamEx which enhances standard Java 8 Stream API.

Baruch Sadogursky

Baruch Sadogursky (a.k.a JBaruch) is the Developer Advocate of JFrog, the creators of Artifactory Binary Repository, the home of Bintray, and JavaOne 2011 Duke Choice Awards winner. For a living he hangs out with the JFrog tech leaders, writes some code around Artifactory and Bintray, and then speaks and blogs about all that. He does it repeatedly for the last 10 years and enjoys every moment of it.
