Hibernate performance tuning

День 2 /  / Зал 1  /  RU / For practicing engineers

Many Java developers use ORM but most of them don’t do deep dive into configuration, settings and tuning to achieve really good performance. What is worse most of them even don’t know what options do they have to improve performance. In this talk we will review these options on practical examples, and there will be specific recommendations on how to make your Hibernate work much better in real projects.

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Mikalai Alimenkou
XP Injection

Mikalai is a Senior Delivery Manager, Java Tech Lead and experienced coach. Expert in Java development, scalable architecture, Agile engineering practices and project management. He has more than 13 years of development experience and specializes on complex distributed scalable systems. Active participant and speaker of many international conferences. Founder and coach in training center XP Injection. Organizer and founder of Selenium Camp, JEEConf, XP Days Ukraine and IT Brunch conferences. Founder of active “Anonymous developers club” (uadevclub).
