Fast and Safe Production Monitoring of JVM Applications with BPF Magic

День 1 /  / Зал 4  /  EN / Хардкор. Сложный низкоуровневый доклад, требующий от слушателя знаний технологии.

All of us have seen these evasive performance issues or production bugs in the field, which standard monitoring tools don't see or catch. BPF is a Linux kernel technology that enables fast, safe, dynamic tracing of a running system without any preparation or instrumentation in advance. The JVM itself has a myriad of insertion points for tracing garbage collections, object allocations, JNI calls, and even method calls with extended probes. When the JVM tracepoints don't cut it, the Linux kernel and libraries allow tracing system calls, network packets, scheduler events, off-CPU time, time blocked on disk accesses, and even database queries. In this talk, we will see a holistic set of BPF-based tools for monitoring JVM applications on Linux, and revisit a systems performance checklist that includes classics like fileslower, opensnoop, and strace – all based on the non-invasive, fast, and safe BPF technology.

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Sasha Goldshtein
Sela Group

Sasha Goldshtein is the CTO of Sela Group, Microsoft MVP and Regional Director, Pluralsight and O'Reilly author, and an international consultant and trainer. Sasha is the author of "Introducing Windows 7 for Developers" (Microsoft Press, 2009) and "Pro .NET Performance" (Apress, 2012), a prolific blogger and open source contributor, and author of numerous training courses including .NET Debugging, .NET Performance, Android Application Development, and Modern C++. His consulting work revolves mainly around distributed architecture, production debugging and performance diagnostics, and mobile application development.

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